
Grades Taught

Grades K-12


We are a Grade K-12 School. Specializing in Online Learning and Traditional Home Education. Learn anytime, anywhere.


Golden Hills Learning Academy believes in a flexible and adaptive learning environment where every student can choose what, when, and how, they want to learn. Our staff supports and encourages individual student and family choice, allowing students the independence and motivation to continue with their education in an environment that suits them.



School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

Registrations for Semester 2 are still open however, many courses are reaching capacity.

All high school English 30-1, and all high school MATH and SCIENCE (including credit recovery/upgrading) are now full. Registrations for these courses already submitted or in progress on or before Feb 5th will be considered.

*Semester two registrations close on March 31st.

Course withdrawals after March 1st are subject to a $225 withdrawal fee.

2024-2025 Adult Registrations are now closed.