Knowledge & Employability Grades 8-12

This specialized school stream is designed by Alberta education to meet the needs of students who would like to prepare for the world of work.  In the Fall of 2009, Golden Hills Learning Academy began offering K&E courses online and print with teacher support. 

We offer all K&E core courses and many option courses.

The allocation of five credits is consistent with other high school courses. Knowledge and Employability Courses Policy (1.4.2): “Knowledge and Employability courses provide students in Grades 8 to 12 who meet the criteria with opportunities to experience success and become well prepared for employment, further studies, citizenship, and lifelong learning.”

At present, Alberta Education provides the following:

Junior High K&E academic courses comprise

  • K&E English Language Arts
  • K&E Mathematics
  • K&E Science
  • K&E Social Studies

The Junior High K&E occupational courses consist of the following nine occupational areas:

  • Art/Design and Communication
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Business Services
  • Construction
  • Fabrics
  • Foods
  • Horticulture
  • Human Care
  • Workplace Readiness

Senior High K&E academic courses comprise

  • K&E English Language Arts 10-4, 20-4, 30-4
  • K&E Mathematics 10-4, 20-4
  • K&E Science 10-4, 20-4
  • K&E Social Studies 10-4, 20-4

The Senior High K&E occupational courses are available in the following 11 occupational areas:

  • Art/Design and Communication
  • Auto Mechanics
  • Business Services
  • Construction: Building
  • Construction: Metal Fabrication
  • Cosmetology
  • Fabrics
  • Foods
  • Horticulture
  • Human Care
  • Natural Resources

A student may achieve

  • a Certificate of High School Achievement after completing 80 credits in an appropriate combination of Knowledge and Employability and other courses, and/or
  • an Alberta High School Diploma when provincial requirements have been met

Additional information can be found here

Please contact us by phone 403-934-5179 or email if you are interested in the K&E program.

School Notice

Course Withdrawal

As of October 1st, there is a $225 fee to withdraw from any high school course.