frequently asked questions


Did you receive my online registration?

When you submit your registration you will receive an automated email stating that your registration submission was successful.  Please do not call the office during this time to check on your registration status.  You will receive a welcome email with your login credentials once your registration is fully processed.

Do I need to register every year?

Yes. Each year you need to be accepted as a student through the registration process.

Do I need to re-register for second semester?

No. If you are a current student of GHLA you simply need to:

  • fill out an Additional Course Request Form in SchoolEngage or
  • email us at to add your second-semester course(s). 

Your courses will show in Moodle once our staff has processed your course request.

Can I withdraw after I start my class(es)?

The first step is to talk to your teacher. If your teacher agrees with your withdrawal request they will send you the Withdrawal Form. Every semester there is a deadline to withdraw without penalty.  After that, there is a $225 withdrawal fee that will be charged for every class you drop.

Can I attend classes at GHLA while going to High School full-time elsewhere?

Students living in Alberta or International students connected to an Alberta school can take up to 10 credits with us through the school year in addition to being a full-time high school student elsewhere.  Be sure you have the time to commit to additional class work. A 5 credit class usually requires a minimum of 10 hrs a week.

Am I automatically accepted once I apply?

No. As a school of choice, you can be turned away for any reason. 

Do you offer a Kindergarten Program?

Yes! Students must be 5 by Dec. 31 of the year they are enrolling for.

Kindergarten program


When do classes start?

We follow the Golden Hills School Division Calendar  Even though you can log in anytime to access your courses, our staff is only available during our division school days.  Please keep this in mind when you are calling or requesting a meeting with your teachers.

I have already graduated can I upgrade?

Yes, if you are 19 years old or younger you can take whatever classes you need, free of charge.  If you are 20 or older there is a fee for each class that you require.  Please email us at or call us at 403-934-5179 to discuss your options.

We also offer credit recovery classes if you wish to improve your mark in a class you have already taken.

Are online classes easier than in-person school classes?

No.  Whether you are online or in school your classes will cover the Alberta Curriculum.  Some students find it easier to do online classes as they can learn at their own pace and at a time that works for them.  We also sometimes offer classes that your own school does not offer, or can only offer at certain times. Our complete class list is updated often.

Can I receive an Alberta High School Diploma if I am a fulltime student at GHLA?

Yes!  We are a fully Accredited Alberta High School.  We offer all the courses required to receive a High School diploma.  We also have a small graduation ceremony in Strathmore for GHLA graduates in June.

What is the difference between Traditional (Parent-led) Home Education, Teacher-led Home Education, and Blended Home Education?

Traditional Home Education is a home-learning program designed for parents who have the desire to plan, teach, and support their children's learning. Parents have the flexibility and ownership to develop and select learning opportunities that best meet their children's individual needs and are in charge of all aspects of their child's learning. A certified teacher facilitates and supports your learning program throughout the year. Within the Traditional Home Education program, there are two formal evaluations that allow families to showcase their plans and learning progress. 

Teacher-led Home Education is an engaging a-synchronous online program that follows the Alberta Program of Studies. Teachers plan, assess, and provide continuous feedback throughout the year as they support your child through their year of learning. The Teacher-Led Home Education program includes individualized learning options and supports diverse learners in math, language arts, social, and science subjects. 

Blended Home Education is a shared responsibility learning option incorporating a combination of Traditional and Teacher-Led programs. Parents pick two subjects they want their child to learn online through the teacher-led program and then take on the teaching responsibilities for the other two subjects. 

For more information visit our Home Education Page

Will I have to come to Strathmore to write my exams?

For non-diploma exams, you will write them online. Some exams will be supervised by your teacher through Google Meet. 

Alberta Education requires diploma exams to be written in person at an approved testing centre. We offer a writing centre in Strathmore and Calgary for most diploma sittings.  If you would prefer a different location in the province you can register for the diplomas at a location of your choice on myPass. Diploma exams are not optional and must be written to receive a complete mark on your transcript.

For grade 6 and 9 students writing Provincial Achievement Tests, we offer a testing space in Strathmore and Calgary if numbers warrant it. We also try our best to find a school close to your home to accommodate students who live far from Strathmore.

I don't live in Alberta can I still take classes from your school?

We only offer classes to students currently living in Alberta.  If you are from out of the country you may be interested in Golden Hills International. They offer a variety of programs to fit your needs, including homestay and dormitory options.

What is Credit Recovery?

If you have already taken a course and wish to improve your mark, you can retake the course with us.  Instead of redoing the whole course you can do parts of it that you didn't do well on last time (your teacher will decide what you redo).  You must redo at least 50% of the course, but may need to do more depending on your goals.

School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

Registrations for Semester 2 are still open however, many courses are reaching capacity.

All high school English 30-1, and all high school MATH and SCIENCE (including credit recovery/upgrading) are now full. Registrations for these courses already submitted or in progress on or before Feb 5th will be considered.

*Semester two registrations close on March 31st.

Course withdrawals after March 1st are subject to a $225 withdrawal fee.

2024-2025 Adult Registrations are now closed.