Traditional Home Education is a home-learning program designed for parents who have the desire to plan, teach, and support their children's learning. Parents have the flexibility and ownership to develop and select learning opportunities that best meet their children's individual needs and are in charge of all aspects of their child's learning. A certified teacher facilitates and supports your learning program throughout the year. Within the Traditional Home Education program, there are two formal evaluations that allow families to showcase their plans and learning progress.
Teacher-led Home Education is an engaging a-synchronous online program that follows the Alberta Program of Studies. Teachers plan, assess, and provide continuous feedback throughout the year as they support your child through their year of learning. The Teacher-Led Home Education program includes individualized learning options and supports diverse learners in math, language arts, social, and science subjects.
Blended Home Education is a shared responsibility learning option incorporating a combination of Traditional and Teacher-Led programs. Parents pick two subjects they want their child to learn online through the teacher-led program and then take on the teaching responsibilities for the other two subjects.
For more information visit our Home Education Page