Home Education

Traditional Parent-Led Home Education Program

 Available for Grades K - 12

  • This program is for parents who desire to plan, teach and support their children's learning
  • Students must by 5 by Dec. 31 of the year they are enrolling into kindergarten for
  • Parents have the flexibility and ownership to develop and select learning opportunities that best meet their children's individual needs
  • A certified teacher will facilitate and support the learning program throughout the year
  • Two formal evaluations allow learners to showcase their individual progress and learning
  • Funding is available to support learning
  • If you choose for your student to write PATs and Diploma exams, they must be written at a GHLA writing centre or an Alberta Education approved facility.

Blended Learning Program

Program of Studies and Parent-led Home Education

Shared responsibility with parents and teachers delivering course instruction.


  • Teacher-directed Language Arts and Math
  • Parent-directed Science and Social Studies

*Partial funding available to support Home Education learning.


Register Now

*Choose the "2024-2025 Home Education Registration Grades K-12" form.

**If you already have a GHSD SchoolEngage account please sign in there to register and do not create a new account.

School Notice

Course Withdrawal

As of October 1st, there is a $225 fee to withdraw from any high school course.