Summer School Registration
Posted on April 5 2023LEARNING ACADEMY SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 Summer School Dates - July 4 - 28 Final Exams - August 1-4 Diploma Exams - August 1-10 Non-Refundable Summer Enhancement Fee - $100.00 (paid once registration is…
LEARNING ACADEMY SUMMER SCHOOL 2023 Summer School Dates - July 4 - 28 Final Exams - August 1-4 Diploma Exams - August 1-10 Non-Refundable Summer Enhancement Fee - $100.00 (paid once registration is…
Do you like being on the water and canoeing? Want high school credits for 4 days of fun in Canmore enjoying the beautiful mountains and water? Register for the 3-credit Water Experience 15 course and…
Our February newsletter is available now to take our google survey about what clubs you would like to see offered. This year at Golden Hills Learning Academy we want to focus on building a community within our school.…
Effective immediately, The Learning Academy is charging a withdrawal fee of $200 per course for any withdrawals after Feb 28th at 5 pm. In order to withdraw, you must first email your teacher.
Do you like winter sports? Want high school credits for 4 days of fun in Canmore? Register for the 3-credit Winter Travel 15 course and come with us March 28th - 31st! In addition to learning about…
If you are a full-year student and can still not see your 2nd-semester classes in moodle please contact us at 403-934-5179 or email at
Semester 2 Applicants: If you have received a School Engage email that your registration was successful we have received it and will process it as soon as possible. Due to high call volumes please DO…
January 16, is fast approaching. Semester 1 students Please ensure that ALL of your assignments are in by January 16. We encourage students to hand in their assignments as they finish them and not all…
Attention: Math Diploma Prep Dates have Changed. Math 30-1 is now January 11th, 6 pm - 9 pm Math 30-2 is now January 13th, 6 pm - 9 pm. Contact your teacher, Mr. Lewis, for the link to these informative…
We would like to wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. Our offices will be closed Dec. 24-Jan. 8. Our Break is from Dec. 4-Jan. 8. Our teachers will be unavailable to contact. While you…
Online clubs will be starting soon: Chess Club under the direction of Bryce Lewis will happen virtually on Thursdays at 12:00 pm for everyone. To sign up please contact Mr. Lewis, at,…
K - 12 Online, Credit Recovery/Upgrade, Home Ed, Summer School. Please do not create a new SchoolEngage account if one exists.
Returning students - Sign into your Parent Portal/PowerSchool account and click on SchoolEngage from the left menu to register.
**S1 - October 1st, S2 - March 1st** A $225 withdrawal fee will apply for any course withdrawal not requested before these dates.
Student access to moodle to get started in your courses.
Are you looking for the complete calendar for the 2024-2025 school year?
The GHLA office is closed Feb 17 - 21 for Family Day and Teachers Convention Week.
Registrations for Semester 2 are still open however, many courses are reaching capacity.
All high school English 30-1, and all high school MATH and SCIENCE (including credit recovery/upgrading) are now full. Registrations for these courses already submitted or in progress on or before Feb 5th will be considered.
February 3rd is the start date for S2. Because of the high registration volume, students will receive login details sometime within the first two weeks of February. Your patience is appreciated.
2024-2025 Adult Registrations are now closed.