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Virtual Chess Club Tournament Winners

shows picture of the 3 Chess club winners
Virtual Chess Club Winners

Congratulations to the Winners of The Learning Academy's annual virtual chess club!

3rd place - Lucas Hansen - Grade 3 - $5 Amazon gift card

2nd place - Ryan Campbell - Grade 11 - $10 Tim Hortons gift card 
1st place - Sheffaine Koshy - Grade 12 - $20 Amazon gift card and a $20 donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation paid for by Mr. Lewis 

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School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

Registrations for Semester 2 is still open, however many courses are reaching capacity.

Math 30-1 (including credit recovery/upgrading) is now FULL. Registrations for Math 30-1 already submitted or in progress on or before January 29th will be considered.

February 3rd is the start date for S2. Because of the high registration volume, students will receive login details sometime within the first two weeks of February. Your patience is appreciated.