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Welcome back!

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Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year with GHLA! 

Please know that our office staff is working to complete all aspects of the enrolments and we appreciate your patience. Welcome emails with Moodle login details will be sent out in September as registrations are processed. Please add to your contacts so your welcome email does not go to your spam folder.

Due to the large volume of registrations, not all students will have their welcome email and be able to start their classes by the September 3rd start date. The teachers know that students will be starting at different times within September and it will not affect your ability to complete the course material.

If you have already completed a registration and would like to add a course or change your course request, email or call our office at 403-934-5179. Please do not create another registration form. 

Thank you for choosing GHLA! 

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School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

Registrations for Semester 2 is still open, however many courses are reaching capacity.

Math 30-1 (including credit recovery/upgrading) is now FULL. Registrations for Math 30-1 already submitted or in progress on or before January 29th will be considered.

February 3rd is the start date for S2. Because of the high registration volume, students will receive login details sometime within the first two weeks of February. Your patience is appreciated.