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Book Fair

Scholastic Book Fair is Coming Soon!


Dear families,


Mark your calendars! The fun and excitement of a Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school. GHLA office is located at 116 3rd Ave Strathmore, AB.

So save the date! Our Scholastic Book Fair will take place on November 21-24


And for parents, friends, and family that can't join us in the school, be sure to join us online with our Virtual Book Fair Extension! Our online shop will be open on the first day of our Fair.


Watch for news leading up to our Scholastic Book Fair!

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School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

Registrations for Semester 2 is still open, however many courses are reaching capacity.

Math 30-1 (including credit recovery/upgrading) is now FULL. Registrations for Math 30-1 already submitted or in progress on or before January 29th will be considered.

February 3rd is the start date for S2. Because of the high registration volume, students will receive login details sometime within the first two weeks of February. Your patience is appreciated.