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New Draft Curriculum Alberta Education Information Sessions

Alberta Education is renewing school curriculum. On March 29, 2021, Minister of Education, the Honourable Adriana LaGrange released the draft Kindergarten to Grade 6 curriculum, which is available for review here:

Alberta Education is holding online sessions so Albertans can hear information about the curriculum and ask questions.

Please visit for a list of sessions and to register. Sessions will be offered in both English and French, during both the day and evening.

If you have questions about registration, please email

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School Notice

Semester Two Registration Update

The GHLA office is closed Feb 17 - 21 for Family Day and Teachers Convention Week.

Registrations for Semester 2 are still open however, many courses are reaching capacity.

All high school English 30-1, and all high school MATH and SCIENCE (including credit recovery/upgrading) are now full. Registrations for these courses already submitted or in progress on or before Feb 5th will be considered.

February 3rd is the start date for S2. Because of the high registration volume, students will receive login details sometime within the first two weeks of February. Your patience is appreciated.

2024-2025 Adult Registrations are now closed.